Monday, May 26, 2008

New clothes!

Yo, I'm back,

Today it's time to kick start Style! and the fashion tips I have to offer.

You see, I was out shopping today. I was looking for a new jacket (I'm always looking for a new jacket, I love jackets, they're, after all, the first thing a chick sees you wear, thus they give the first impression of your style of clothing.) and some new T-shirts, a pair of shoes and maybe some new pants. Due to a economical misunderstanding between me and my mother, I couldn't afford a pair of new pants, but that's completely uninteresting. As is the fact I couldn't find a single pair of decent shoes in any of the damnably sad excuses for shoe stores in this just as damnably sad excuse for a city.

But I did find a new jacket, and I did find three flashy new T-shirts. Thus, onwards to my first fashion tip to y'all we will soon go. First, however, I will, again, mention that this isn't just my blog. This blog belongs to everyone who read it. My fashion tips are focused on the classic T-shirt-under-Armani-style that Sonny Crockett made glorious in the 80's TV-show Miami Vice. Eveyrbody doesn't agree with that being the peek of fashion - thus, other bloggers are needed to give their view on fashion as well, which means, Style! want YOU as a blogger. It also ties into the whole life style thingie, but you know that already. Just drop a line to me if you want to be hooked up as a blogger, and we'll set you right up.

Now, enough rants, and onward to what I bought today.

Here, you can see the suit, though not very well. It's gray, in some silk-wannabe material, though the picture doesn't show that very well. And yes, the sleeves are rolled up. I like to roll up the sleeves of a suit, because it's casual, it's simple, it adds style, and, most importantly, it gives that extra personal touch on your clothes and style. Also, it makes you look like a hero out of some animé series, but that's just a cool side-effect. And, since nobody wears the sleeves rolled up these days, again it gives your clothes character, and thus, gives you character. They show it's you, and not just some run-of-the-mill rich kid who enjoys showing off his wealth. Chicks dig guys with their own style, and they remember them better than a guy who dresses like any slouch they can see on the streets. And, it also allows you to show off your sexy arms. There's nothing more sexy than a pair of tanned, strong arms edged by rolled up sleeves.

I bought this suit on second-hand for eighty swedish kronor, (kr), which is about ten dollars or so. Since I'm a saint, I bought it at a second hand store run by the Red Cross, thus, I contribute to the good and welfare of the 3rd World by buying clothes. That's a win-win situation, and just another reason I love shopping in second hand. (Actually, you got me. I love all shopping. It's my curse. Sorry. I'm going to marry a rich woman and live my life in wealth and shopping.)

You can also see one of the three T-shirts I bought, a green pastel-colored T-shirt. It's got a very sharp color, and more importantly, no print. I can't stand T-shirts with print, generally, with a few exceptions. Everybody has T-shirts with print these days, so it's not very original unless the print itself is original. And it rarely is. It also makes you look like a sellout if it's a T-shirt from some company or other. The good thing with sharp pure-colors Tees like this is that people notice you for it, and it's refreshing for the eyes. Also, colors like this usually go well with both white, grey and black, and not that bad with jeans either, which means you can practically wear it to and for anything - except for hard labor. That'd be a waste on a perfectly good Tee. Use the ones with print for that.

This is my other Tee. It's hard to see on this photo - stupid lighting - but it has a sort of crulean hue - I got that color from Wikipedia. I didn't even know it was called that until I checked. Ah well - and it also looks badass with the suit. Again, no print, because prints just aren't as pretty as pastel colors.

And my last Tee, in a bright orange hue. I thought I'd go back to the basic pastel colors with bright, somewhat soft colors. Though I prefer the sharp colors, I liked this color as well, as it'll go well with my white linen suit when I go out partying. Never underestimate the power of pastel colors. Again, unlike Tees with print, these one-colored ones are pure, stylish, and restful for the eyes. These three Tees costed about fifty kronor each, which is about six or seven dollars. It's very cheap for a T-shirt, and they have good quality, so that's again, a win/win situation for me - three T-shirts for 150 kronor is incredibly cheap.

All in all it was a day well spent, and dough well wasted. Though looking back, I guess I could have bought something to eat, 'cause right now, I'm starving. So, if y'all excuse me, I'm going to go grab some chow. Before I do, however, I like to ask you, again, please comment. Disagree, agree, just say my taste sucks if you will. It's always good with feedback. And again, I want you to join me in blogging. The more the merrier.

Take care now, bye bye, then.


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