Saturday, May 24, 2008

You got style?

I like to think I do.

Welcome to my new blog. Some of you, though I doubt it, may know me from my other two blogs, Ramblings of a Conspiracy Dawg (now deceased), and Ramblings of an Adventurous Spirit (still kicking). So, to clarify before leaving this, I am a conspiracy theorist, and a young student who is struggling to become an adventurer and treasure hunter, full-time. It's the life style I have chosen and is aiming for, and it won't be easy, it will be dangerous, and most importantly, it will be fun.

So, let's get down to business.
This blog, Style!, is my newest creation. I am Henrik, or Henke if you will. My partner in crime, Fred, might chime in some time and drop a post or two, but for now, you may assume I am the only blogger here, though I want to change that. Let me explain myself.

At first, this blog was born out of a joke. Fred asked me why we weren't holding our own fashion show, since we have better taste in clothes than anyone else. I suggested we start a fashion blog. It was a joke at first, but then I grew bored and began to toy around with Blogspot, and came up with a banner for the top, with Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey (our two biggest idols, so nope, sorry girls, it ain't us up there). Then I ended up creating the blog also, and now, here I am, posting the greeting to y'all in it.

But my first idea of a fashion blog has developed slightly into something more. I don't want just a fashion blog - there's too many of those already. No, I want a blog about Style! A blog about life styles, about life itself, parties, flash an' flare, glory, music, travels, love, friends, hobbies, adventures - in short, everything that makes life worth living! A blog about life styles, that is. The only thing not allowed in this blog is celebrity gossip and David Beckham, because that's not your life style, that's Beckham's. And I hate celebrity gossip. It ruins people's search for their own life style, and thus, ruins their lives even though they don't understand it themselves.

I will be blogging here as often as I can and have something to blog about. But I also want others to blog here - I'm looking for colorful bloggers with interesting life styles, and I want You to blog for me, and for yourself. So if you're interested, drop me a line, and we'll see if we can work something out, which I'm sure of.

And if you enjoy the blog, I want you to drop me a line too! It's always good to know people are reading your blog. You got any criticism, let me know. Any problems? Let me know. Anything to say at all? Let me know. I want to hear from y'all. I've already lost one blog because of lack of activity. The other is hanging on by sheer love for it from my side, alone, and even it's existence is in question. Style!, hopefully, will not meet the same end.

I'll also be tweaking a little with the blog for now, before I decide on the layout. I want something that fits the general theme. Again, if you have ideas, or can help, drop me a line. That's all for now, but more will come shortly.


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